Happy New Year 2024!

Thank you 2023!

As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with a deep sense of pride in our achievements and immense gratitude towards our friends, clients, partners, advisors, and supporters who played a pivotal role in making 2023 a truly impactful year. We warmly invite you to join us on this nostalgic journey, or as we like to call it, a 'squawk' down memory lane, to revisit some of the key highlights and milestones from another remarkable year soaring high at Team Parrots!

2023: A Year in Numbers

Let's kick off our review with a swift numerical summary, capturing the essence of our growth and accomplishments.

  • A remarkable surge of over 300% in user base.

  • An impressive 400% increase in our partnerships.

  • Team Parrots expanded to 8 dedicated members.

  • Gained entry into 3 prestigious accelerator programs.

  • Participated in over 24 conferences, competitions, programs, and events across the USA, Portugal, Italy, Puerto Rico, Germany, and Luxembourg.

  • Triumphed in over 10 competitions and secured numerous grants.

Now, with these impressive figures in mind, let's delve deeper into the stories and moments that made 2023 an extraordinary year for Team Parrots!"


2022 was a year of explosive growth for our company. We hit the ground running by participating in major events across California and Florida. Our momentum propelled us into Rally's accelerator program in Orlando, where we honed our strategy and gained invaluable mentorship. Simultaneously, we joined TiE Boston's prestigious Scale Up program, opening doors to strategic partnerships with leading healthcare providers. This dynamic ecosystem fueled the rapid development of new patents, solidifying our position as a leader in the industry.


The summer of 2023 was a season of explosive growth for our company. We strategically expanded our team with four talented new members, significantly broadening our operational capacity. Leveraging opportunities like the prestigious Next Age Accelerator in Milan, Italy, we built key connections and gained invaluable insights, opening doors for our planned European expansion. These experiences solidified our position as a leader in our field and set the stage for an exciting future across the globe.

Closing out an exceptional summer, we secured strategic funding from powerhouses Lair East Labs and Sunstone Management. This potent injection of capital catapulted our growth by 200%, enabling us to launch our groundbreaking Polly in iPad and forge collaborations with leading healthcare players. With their expertise and reach, we're poised to disrupt the market and achieve our ambitious vision of empowering patients and healthcare providers.

A High-Flying Fall

Polly Soars in Fall Frenzy:

Polly took flight this fall, leaving a trail of achievements and partnerships across the globe. Our journey began at TechCrunch 2023, where we soared into the top ranks of the Startup Battlefield, garnering the attention of leading investors. In Seattle, UNMET Conferences proved fertile ground for forging crucial connections with like-minded innovators, fueling our mission to empower those with neurological challenges.

Copenhagen's Startup World Cup witnessed Polly's competitive spirit, as we clinched a top spot and invaluable new relationships. Across the Atlantic, BIOMEDevice Boston saw us mingle with medtech giants, securing partnerships that will solidify our presence in the European healthcare landscape.

November saw Polly taking center stage at Europe's premier healthcare conferences. At WebSummit Lisbon, our Chief Business Officer, Erin Janklow, delivered a captivating pitch that resonated with the audience, securing high-potential investor leads.

Across the continent at Medica, our presence ignited a flurry of interest. We connected with leading medical experts from across Europe, solidifying partnerships with healthcare providers to bring our technology to European markets. These collaborations lay the groundwork for expanding our reach and impacting countless lives across the globe.

Beyond the accolades, the fall was a vibrant tapestry woven with the passion and dedication of our team. Shoulder-to-shoulder with our peers, we celebrated progress and forged bonds that will continue to power our mission. The future looms bright for Polly, and we invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey!

We're thrilled to announce a major milestone for Polly in Puerto Rico! With the incredible support of Parallel18 and the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust, our team recently hosted a demo day that exceeded all expectations.

Our mission to empower individuals with neurological challenges took center stage as we showcased Polly's innovative capabilities to a captivated audience of potential partners, healthcare providers, and future patients. The energy was electric, fueled by passion and a shared vision for a brighter future.

This experience in Puerto Rico was more than just a demo day; it was a testament to the power of collaboration, community, and unwavering dedication to improving lives. We're deeply grateful to Parallel18 and the Puerto Rico Science, Technology & Research Trust for their unwavering support, and to everyone who joined us on this unforgettable journey.

We won!

The pinnacle of our fall came with Luxembourg's Fit4Start, where Polly emerged victorious, earning a coveted spot in their prestigious accelerator program. This springboard propels us into 2024, ready to expand our impact in Luxembourg and collaborate with top healthtech players worldwide.

Many Thanks!

Words cannot express our immense gratitude to the incredible team at Luxinnovation! Their unwavering support and invaluable mentorship throughout the Fit4Start journey were instrumental in shaping our winning pitch. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to the event's sponsors and organizers, whose dedication and vision made this transformative experience possible.

But our joy isn't complete without celebrating our fellow Fit4Start 2024 winners! We were deeply impressed by the talent, passion, and innovative spirit each team displayed. Congratulations, and may we continue to inspire and support each other as we strive to make a lasting impact on the world!

Beyond the accolades, the fall was a vibrant tapestry woven with the passion and dedication of our team. Shoulder-to-shoulder with our peers, we celebrated progress and forged bonds that will continue to power our mission. The future looms bright for Polly, and we invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey!

2023: A Year of Unexpected Turns and Unfolding Wisdom

Team Parrots COO Dina Abdou

“At Parrots.inc, our mission is a passion-driven journey. It’s the unwavering belief that every individual, regardless of their neurological challenges, deserves a life filled with hope, dignity, and opportunities. It’s about waking up every day, knowing that we are part of something much larger than ourselves, working tirelessly to unlock the potential within each person we touch. Our work isn’t defined by limitations; it’s fueled by boundless empathy, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of solutions that not only improve lives but also inspire others to join us in this extraordinary quest for a more inclusive and compassionate world.”

- Dina Abdou, COO

"I'm thrilled to work at Parrots Inc., a company at the forefront of health tech and medical innovation. Our mission to empower individuals facing physical, mental, and communication challenges with smart, inclusive platforms is truly inspiring, and I'm excited to be part of a team that is making a meaningful impact on people's lives through innovative technology solutions."

Hemraj Mahadeshwar, SDE

Parrots is brilliantly designed to improve the lives of our treasured elders. It’s exciting to focus energy on a vision of a brighter future that increases confidence and dignity for patients, offers comfort to their families, and provides relief to healthcare professionals.

- Erin Janklow, CBO

I truly enjoyed working at Parrots because it combines my passion for healthcare product design with a mission to make a meaningful impact on society. Here, I have the opportunity to use technology to create possibilities for individuals facing physical challenges, contributing to a more inclusive and equal world.

- Hannah Jiang, UI/UX

“Polly uses leading edge technology by providing communication tools to patients that undoubtedly need it. A mix of creativity with patient focused attention, makes this a great product tailored by an amazing team.”

- Jorge Mattei, IOS Dev.

Having the opportunity to apply advanced machine learning to something as life-changing as Polly is precisely why I chose this field of research and engineering. We are harnessing AI/ML technology to achieve unprecedented impacts, making it an incredibly rewarding experience.

- Victor Santos, AI/ML Dev.

“We at Parrots inc. don't merely whisper hope; we amplify it into a megaphone that pierces despair. Walls of isolation crumble before the tide of innovation we unleash. With each life transformed, we rewrite the script of human possibility, etching it onto the world's stage for all to witness.

Polly isn't just a flicker in a darkened room; it's the sunrise chasing away isolation's chill. It's the laughter echoing in sterile hospital corridors, a vibrant counterpoint to the rhythmic beeps of machines. Each liberated connection ripples outward, a pebble igniting a tidal wave of inclusivity."

- Priyanka Ray, CTO

"For us, working at Parrots.inc isn't just a job; it's a pilgrimage, a daily dance with innovation where our passion becomes the fuel that propels us forward. Every line of code we write, every interface we design, is a whispered promise of freedom, a brick laid in the foundation of a world where technology becomes the bridge across chasms of isolation.

This isn't just about products; it's about igniting a revolution of empathy, one life transformed at a time. Our work at Parrots.inc isn't measured in profits or market share; it's measured in smiles rekindled, in whispers translated into vibrant conversations, in the tears of relief that bathe the faces of caregivers. Every life we touch ripples outward, creating a symphony of inclusion that empowers X thousand individuals and their families to live with newfound dignity and hope.

Beyond the individual victories, our mission at Parrots.inc is to rewrite the script of human potential. We dream of a world where limitations are mere whispers, drowned out by the deafening roar of possibility. Every barrier we shatter becomes a beacon of inspiration, urging others to join the chorus of compassion and reshape the world with the power of creativity and innovation."

- David Hojah, CEO

A Toast to Uplifting Moments in 2023!

As the embers of 2023 glow into the dawn of 2024, our hearts brim with gratitude for the countless hands that reached out and lifted us higher throughout the year. To every investor, mentor, team member, partner, and supporter, we raise a toast: thank you!

Your kindness, generosity, and unwavering belief in our journey fueled our triumphs and illuminated our path through challenges. Every word of encouragement, every helping hand, every shared challenge and celebrated victory painted the canvas of 2023 with vibrant hues of progress and possibility.

We hold dear the memories forged in your support:

  • The investor who dared to believe in our audacious dream, seeing the potential before it bloomed.

  • The mentor who lent a seasoned ear and offered sage advice, guiding us through uncharted waters with steady wisdom.

  • The team member who went the extra mile, burning the midnight oil with unwavering dedication, their passion a constant flame fueling our collective fire.

  • The partner who met us with open arms and shared expertise, forging a bond that amplified our impact and broadened our reach.

  • The supporter who cheered our every step, amplifying our voice and spreading the word of our mission, their enthusiasm an echo that propelled us forward.

Beyond the individual moments, we cherish the sense of community you fostered – a tapestry woven with threads of shared hope, unwavering spirit, and a collective drive to make a difference. Together, we pushed boundaries, defied expectations, and left our mark on the year gone by.

As we step into the threshold of 2024, your support remains our anchor, your belief our compass. We carry your kindness with us, a torch lighting the path ahead as we strive to reach even greater heights.

May the coming year shower you with joy, health, and success. May your own dreams unfurl, fueled by the winds of support and propelled by the power of unwavering belief.

Happy Holidays, and let's make 2024 a year where gratitude finds its voice and kindness paints the world anew!

With heartfelt thanks,

The Polly Team


Team Parrots Year in Review for 2022!